Monday, 7 October 2013
Friday, 4 October 2013
some things i found out about jimmy page
A pic of Scarlet with her then boyfriend--now hubby--Tom Brown. She was expecting Martha Alice here. When asked why she gave her daughter such an old-fashioned name she said something like:"With a name like Scarlet, you have to ask?! I never want to give my kids unusual or weird names...." So I guess she felt like a standout with her name. I sensed she wasn't fond of it--but how many of us are? Little Martha will probably turn around and name her daughter Rainbow
.what a thread going on here Thank you for posting the pics of Martha and Griffen. I wonder how often Jimmy sees the grandkids? I hope often! You know what strikes me is how 'regular' Scarlet's home is; the backyard is just a plain yard--she doesn't live on any estate, etc. and you figure she has money from her own hard work, plus her parents aren't exactly broke It looks like she has a 'normal' house. As for the documentary--did I mention one here? This is so long, I don't recall now except I did askCandice Merritt about the film where she said something about James speaking fondly of Patricia in the film about the steetcar's importance in rebuilding New Orleans post-Katrina. What is the name of that film??? I see where others say that Jimena has been denying Jimmy access to the kids? WHAT?! She cheated on him and then left him and he can't see his own kids? Does anyone know why? They would have to be teens by now...I think Ashen Josan was born in '97 and Sofia Jade in '99. It could be the other way around. His adopted daughter Jana was 6 months old when Jimmy met Jimena in '94--the father was said to be unknown....as in Jimena had NO idea as she had been with so many men. This stuff is so wild it beats any soap opera ever made.
Also...I saw where it was stated that Charlotte lives in Hong Kong actually..it may now be Germany as I think her hubby Ernest is German isn't he? But I definitely read that she was living in Hong Kong--that was about 2 years ago. Now? I have no idea. I had no idea that Jimmy was upset she married Ernest--how interesting....As for Jimmy getting engaged in Thailand---that could be true Rodrigo Bourganos....but I wonder if its the same rumor that is going around about a lot of rockers--it's been debunked on the internet as there's a series of rumors that hit a ton of musicians: the first rumor is that the guy (it's been Robert, Steven Tyler, Jagger, Sambora, and now Page among others) has a dog that's been injured and he asks all his fans to pray for it (weird I know, but it's out there and gone viral) and then the next rumor is the rocker (Jimmy was named last month) was very much in love and seen privately with some beautiful young woman and they are about to announce their engagement at any time, etc. In one story, she's an American, in another, she's Asian --this has hit a ton of musicians it seems and I was unaware until I saw it on Jimmy last month. It seemed so real--the girlfriend part, not the dog 'tweet'---but I kept reading where the disclaimer was put on the end saying this was all ridiculous and untrue. BUT, having said that, Jimmy loves Thailand and goes often so he may have a secret girl that he sees over there so you could be 100% right. I was interested in you saying that Jimena was the worst part of his life--I had NO idea,. I honestly thought he was happy with her. I did hate when I heard she made him cut his hair--I have never liked it short. Jimmy should always have long hair I think I wonder if he even married Jimena--there's been no documentation has there? I read once that the only true legal wife he had was Patricia and after coughing up millions to her and having such a nasty court fight, he swore he would never marry again...do you know if he married Jimena?Nike Andersen...I have never lived in the Northern part of California, but I've been there and you're right. Jimena may very well have come from a moneyed family. That area is not for the poor....I think she probably got a stake of money from her dad/parents for her lifestyle in Brazil where she met Jimmy working with the poor children. I think I read that she not only worked there, she was running it and may have 'founded' it--which takes bucks. Bet you're onto something there.
I have no idea if Jimena & JP were ever officially married, but I can say without reservation, that if she indeed grew up in Los Gatos, her family was more than comfortable....it is one of the most expensive areas in the Country to live...there are others of course, i.e. Carmel, Pebble Beach, La Jolla, Woodside, Portola Valley, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Hillsborough and so many others......Los Gatos is right up there with these, believe me.....these are the ULTRA WEALTHY areas, not just upper middle class.....the people who live in these areas are Doctors, Real Estate Developers, Hollywood stars, etc. Make no mistake about it, if she was raised there, it was with a silver spoon in her mouth....just not sure if they always lived there.....I know they came from Argentina originally.
They are in Scarlet's pictures and the one of Griffen and Earnest are in Charlotte's. I was also struck, Victoria, how much Scarlet has a regular house. I can also see how Martha and Griffen resemble her, but she really resembles Jimmy! It gets more as she gets older, only she has blonde hair with a little of Charlotte in her face. I was upset by those claims you are referring too, about Jimmy about to marry or involved with someone, but than I read the disclaimer, while it's possible, I feel it's unlikely after his 2 horrible marriages. I thought he was happy with Jimena too. I became interested in his life on the tail end to his marriage to Jimena. I will also add that he loves Japan too and loves to spend time there. He was genually sorry he could not make the Swinging London exhibit after the tasumi hit Japan. Youko told me that he has always spoken more freely to the Japanese since the 70s about his personal life. That is disgusting about Jimena. You're right about his life being better than a soap opera. I thought that after hearing about just his stormy relationship with Charlotte in the 70s. Lee Ann Day told that story about Krissy, caliming she knew her. I was surprised to hear about that Jimmy was upset about Earnest. It staid with me, it was so interesting. I had no idea about Patricia and Jimena too!
I have read through all these posts--great pictures, by the way! My life is complete--and several thoughts went through my head reading about the three wives versus the (how many?) groupies and Jimmy Page. LONG POST--It is noteworthy that only the groupies, like Pamela Des Barres, Catherine James, Bebe Buell, and even Connie Hamzy have been the ones to write about their involvement with Jimmy Page, but the wives/girlfriends have remained mum. On the one hand, Pamela Des Barres was right when she said in her second book that she thought the stories that became 'I'm With the Band' were stories people wanted to read about. Taking that a little further, people in this context would only want to read about the sordid stuff, making anything a wife or girlfriend might say pretty boring by comparison, and therefore nothing to write about. Unfortunately, this is not the case with Jimmy Page. And these women would have to mention Page's wives or girlfriends because their very presence in his life is what makes a groupie story so deliciously wicked--because it is forbidden. Anyway, I've never read that Page and Charlotte Martin were actually married and they probably weren't or someone would have scared up some divorce papers from some courthouse in England by now, but they had a child together. It could be that Charlotte Martin has a different definition of "privacy" or even "discretion" than, say, Pamela Des Barres. The other two happened as or after Des Barres published her book, making it entirely possible Page inserted a confidentiality clause as part of the terms of a divorce. While at least one of them might have taken it upon herself to act even in the best interests of her child with Page, Patricia especially didn't seem like the type who gave--pardon the English--a rat's ass. I'm startled to read all the negative reality stuff about Jimena, but not surprised where this Patricia is concerned. If she was a stripper, then it's an unfortunate fact that men are rather vulnerable to strippers and that strippers at very least make good trophies--for about five minutes. Don't know if that was Page's thought process when he met and later married her but there are photographs of Page around the mid 1980's with a blond draped over him while he looked thoroughly annoyed. Sounds like a real classic--young, working class woman meets a rock star (or insert other male of much means here), gets him to marry her, but there's a reason there are probably no wedding photos: it was NOT the happiest day of somebody's life, here. Which makes me feel even more sorry for Page that he had to sever long held associations, like the housekeeper and Phil Carlo, because he picked the wrong woman
Jackie DeShannon also has not written or spoken of her relationship with Jimmy Page. Others have mentioned it, like Marianne Faithfull (sic?) in her autobiography, where she only mentions Jimmy being "dull" in those days along with a short but amusing story of someone on the tour interrupting them so DeShannon might write a song for Faithfull. I read recently an explanation behind a photo of Page and DeShannon together, which was Jimmy Page telling the person asking that DeShannon was showing him how to read the music on the page, since he could not read sheet music then. What's interesting is that when it comes to groupie stories, there seems to be some differences of experience as to whether or not Des Barres' claim about the contents of Jimmy Page's luggage was true or not. Catherine James, Bebe Buell, and even Lori Maddox all either denied or had no experience whatsoever with the more...ah...kinky side of Page, but the only person who ever gave a "firsthand" account of him doing that was someone who said it happened in the 1990's during a Page & Plant tour. I don't know if the story is true or not, but it still attempts credibility by mentioning how much Page missed his son, who at that time lived in New Orleans with his ex-wife, and that Page preferred sexy as opposed to "slutty" and did not like pushy women, hence his declining bold invitations in favor of the one who made him chase her. This story first appeared on the now defunct Groupie Central, which made no secret of the gossipy premise of the site. Dissecting Page's love life could be a full time hobby, seriously. But it's a cautionary lesson in "this can happen to anyone" when you put it in the context of his marriage to Patricia Ecker.
Jimmy was dull and went away and got interesting. Was that by Backstage Betty on Groupie Central? I saved that and printed it. Steve shared another story a long time ago on .com about a woman who was clinging to him after anOutrider show in 1988, who Jimmy was clearly not interested in. Jackie did write in a little magazine about Zep in the 70s that it didn't work with Jimmy because she wouldn't have been able to stand his quiet life in England. He also told her he wanted to leave being a musican, take up pottery and live in a commune.
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